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Childress, V.W. (2003). Promising Alternatives in Agri-Technology. Technology Teacher. Vol. 62, Issue 4, 17-19.
This journal article does a good job of simplifying the aquaponic process, and of not being too jargon-heavy.  It begins by explaining that hydroponic farming is an important technology because it controls for weather-specific issues that often cause farmers in certain climates a lot of problems with crop yield.  However, hydroponic farming is expensive, and the water-cleansing chemicals needed are often very expensive too.  However, an aquaponic system is a great solution to this problem, with a double-yield of both fish meat and plant mass.  The dirty water from the fish (containing ammonia) gets filtered out of the tank, and turned into nitrate by bacteria in the fish tank pump.  The nitrate then feeds the plants, and then gets filtered back into the tank, completely clean and free of chemicals.  The author emphasizes the economic efficiency of these systems, explaining that they are a great use of all available resources inherent to the symbiotic relationship.  This cuts down on both use of chemicals outside the system, and on unnecessary expenditures for farming organizations.

Dediu, L., Cristea, V., Docan, A., & Vasilean, I. (2011). Evaluation of condition and technological performance of hybrid bester reared in standard and aquaponic system. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal Of The Bioflux Society (AACL Bioflux), 4(4), 490-498.

In most other scholarly articles describing aquaponic systems, tilapia are the fish of choice.  However, this article explores the usage of bester sturgeon, a hearty fish that has “great potential for aquaculture technology due to its quality caviar and meat production.”  Unlike many other studies, this one focuses on the growth and overall health of the fish component in an aquaponic system specifically.  There was not a focus on vegetation growth, although the article did specify that the vegetation used in the aquaponic system was lettuce.  In particular, the authors were concerned with the safety and quality of sturgeon meat raised in an aquaponic tank versus a regular aquaculture environment.  Ultimately, the study found that the aquaponic bester sturgeon faired very well:
"Bester growth rates were compared in the two rearing systems: recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and aquaponic system with reuse of the waste water after treatment in hydroponic modules. The reuse hydroponic treated water increased fish growth over a month period. It also had a positive effect on fish conditions, reduced variability and improved feeding efficiency."
However, the authors concluded that this could have had something to do with the lower operating temperature of the aquaponic tank.  Nonetheless, the aquaponic system proved to be compatible with bester sturgeon and lettuce.

Demary, Tradina. "Johns Hopkins Launches Aquaponics Project (Video)." N.p., 06 Oct. 2012. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>.
The John Hopkins University launched a new Aquaponics Project, which will raise 400 tilapia fish within a 1200 square foot greenhouse. This project expects to sell the fish and organic produce at local Baltimore markets and donate leftover produce to emergency food providers. This project was developed by the Center For A Liveable Future as a way to demonstrate the power of an aqua-based, sustainable method of food production in contrast to more common methods. Researchers are currently monitoring the growth of the fish, as it will relate to the eventual growth of vegetation. According to research, tilapia need to be raised carefully before introduction to the system. The weight, consumption patterns and health of the fish will determine the amount of organic fertilizer that will be used in the top level of the system. This project hopes to inspire food production models for entrepreneurs and agriculture hobbyists.


Diver, Steve, and Lee Rinehart. "Aquaponics - Integration of Hydroponics with Aquaculture." ATTRA, the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, 2010. Web. <>.
This publication by the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service discusses all levels of the aquaponic food production system. Apart from detailing the method of aquaponic production, the publication details key considerations and evaluates aquaponic enterprises. The article mentions that the amount of fertilizer the aquatic portion of the system produces would be proportional to the type of vegetation it supports. Specialty greens and herbs are best suited for smaller systems, while larger vegetables require larger aquaponic fertilizer systems. Although this article proves that aquaponic systems are an efficient use of food production that can be tweaked depending on the resources available, it does mention potential issues. Mainly, it is necessary to address that these systems can only produce two distinct crops, and require a highly technical setup process that include technological and agricultural specifications.

Enduta, A. A., Jusoh, A. A., Ali, N. N., & Nik, W. (2011). Nutrient removal from aquaculture wastewater by vegetable production in aquaponics recirculation system. Desalination & Water Treatment, 32(1-3), 422-430. doi:10.5004/dwt.2011.2761
The authors of this article were testing effectiveness of water spinach and mustard greens in the removal of inorganic nitrogen and phosphate pollutants in an aquaponics recirculation system (ARS, for short).  These pollutants are harmful not only to the fish in an aquacultural system, but to the environment in general.  However, if many different types of vegetation are able to cleanse water of the pollutants, it could potentially save both money and the environment.  Additionally, a larger variety of plants that work well with aquaponic systems will indicate a larger employability of aquaponic systems in agriculture.  In this study, the scientists were looking specifically at water quality, spinach/mustard green growth, and fish growth.  The authors of this article concluded that the fish and plants experienced sufficient growth within the ARS, and that the water was properly cleansed.  This study provides evidence that the aquaponic system is one that is both efficient and self-sustaining.

Gorder, S. V. (2003). Small-Scale Aquaculture and Aquaponics. Aquaponics Journal. Volume VII, No. 3. <>.
Steve Van Gorder has been developing aquaponics technology for over 25 years. In this article, he describes the history and methodology of small-scale aquaponics. Robert Rodale was the first to attempt to create an aquaponics system on a smaller scale in the 1970s. Researchers at the Organic Gardening and Farming Research Center in Pennsylvania began experimenting with different aquaculture methods. Van Gorder was the coordinator of the Rodale Aquaculture Project at the time, and helped the team develop the Home Recirculating Aquaculture System over the next few years. This team made the discovery that tilapia is the best type of fish to use in an aquaponics system. They also later wrote a how-to book that explains the steps needed to construct one of these systems in a backyard. Van Gorder has since updated the book in order to expand on the flexibility of aquaponics systems. It now includes instructions on how to create a system using an above-ground pool, farm ponds, and greenhouses. Van Gorder's team had constructed a solar greenhouse. They produced plants such as watercress, water chestnuts, and water lettuce. These early attempts at small-scale aquaponics demonstrated that the system requires a significant amount of maintenance (cleaning water, getting rid of pests, etc.). It also requires a delicate balance between the fish farming and hydroponics aspects of the system.

Graber, A., & Junge, R. (2009). Aquaponic Systems: Nutrient recycling from fish wastewater by vegetable production. Desalination, 246(1-3), 147-156. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.03.048
This article outlines, in technical terms, the wastewater treatment process in an aquaponic system.  The authors’ research question was as follows: What is the validity of an aquaponic water circulation system in larger-scale farming?  To answer this question, the authors monitored an aquaponic growing system over the course of a few months.  They observed the water-cleaning effects of specific vegetation within an aquaponic environment: tomatoes, eggplant, and cucumber.  Ultimately, they found that tomato plants are best for most efficiently converting aquatic nitrogen pollution into “biomass,” or plant life.  The authors found conclusive evidence that aquaponic systems are not just an experimental idea.  During their tests, they found that 69% of the nitrogen waste in the water could be converted into edible vegetation.  In short, they found that aquaponics practical way to save water, and to grow crops in climates that lack ample water and arable land.

Jones, S. (2002). Evolution of Aquaponics. Aquaponics Journal. Volume VI, No.1. <>.
Scott Jones describes the past, present, and future of aquaponics technology. The history of aquaponics systems stretches back at least 1,500 years ago in China. Jones explains that the Peruvian Incas maintained aquaponics systems as well. He posits that aquaponics technology is not a fad. It is a solution to water’s increasing scarcity as our most precious resource. At the time of this article in 2002, Jones reports that the aquaponics industry was very small with only about five large-scale aquaponics systems in existence. He then goes on to describe the different outputs of an aquaponic system. The most popular type of fish to start with is tilapia because of its adaptability. However, Jones recommends that the tilapia be switched out for a different species because of its cost. The plant aspect of the aquaponic system requires careful maintenance of nutrients that the produce receives. Jones lists lettuce, mints, and culinary herbs as just a few plants that are well-suited to aquaponics technology. He ends the article by discussing the amount of electricity needed by a large-scale system, the benefits of cloning plants, and breeding fish.

Jorgensen, B., Meisel, E., Schilling, C., Swenson, D., Tomas, B. (2009). Developing Food Production Systems in Population Centers. BioCycle. Vol. 50, Issue 2. 27-29.
This article describes the process by which an aquaponic project at Saganaw Valley State University in Saganaw, Michigan, experiments with ways in which a low-cost aquaponic setup can be a healthy and sustainable solution to food dessert conditions in unwelcoming inner-city environments.  The author describes the setup as:
"An economically designed aquaponics system to efficiently grow fruits and vegetables with minimal horizontal space, fertilizer and water; Vermiculture to efficiently convert campus food waste and paper waste into organic fertilizer for use in the system; and, Renewable energy, such as passive solar heat, to cut the costs of operating both [the] vermiculture and hydroponic units."

Since the system is meant to be small scale and year-round, it resides in a small greenhouse where the fish are not edible, larger tilapia, but decorative, small koi.  Additionally, unlike the other systems we’ve read about, this one employs the use of extra fertilizer in the form of a connected, worm-based compost system.  Worms sit in a trough above the aquaponic plants, where they are periodically fed campus food scraps and shredded photocopy paper from the Saginaw Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center.  Slowly, they feed on the compost, breaking it down into a natural, powerful fertilizer, which then seeps into the plant bed.  The project found this to be a cheap, sustainable, and efficient way of making sure food supply is healthy and constant throughout the year.

Malek, Caline. "Growing Veg with Help from 50,000 Fish." The National. N.p., 06 Nov. 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>.
The National reported in 2011 about an aquaponics center in Abu Dhabi. At the time of the article, the center was the largest of its kind and was scheduled to begin generating produce by February of 2012. The Baniyas Center’s size and efficient use of aquaponics makes it a hopeful solution to the large amount of food imports in the UAE. Dr. James Rakocy acted as adviser on the project, and has been working with aquaponics technology for over thirty years. He explained that the project is especially well-suited to the UAE because it is located in an environment without easy access to water. The Baniyas Center was scheduled to receive its seedlings from the US and its fish from Holland. It stretches over 4,000 square meters of space with two greenhouses. Consequently, 300,000 heads of lettuce were expected to be produced per year. There is a small amount of electrical power needed to power the water pump, but the team involved in the center were hoping to replace that power source with alternative energy.

Simeonidou, M., Paschos, I., Gouva, E., Kolygas, M., & Perdikaris, C. (2012). Performance of a small-scale modular aquaponic system. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal Of The Bioflux Society (AACL Bioflux), 5(4), 182-188.
This article seeks to prove the general effectiveness of aquaponic systems, and to find an ideal fish-to-vegetation ratio for sustainable beginning stages of aquaponic growth.  Additionally, the authors hypothesize that aquaponics are a potential solution to the environmental issues that arise in aquacultural farming.  Some of these problems include the need for water rich in good nutrients – and subsequent lack therefore, and the need to eliminate fish waste and pollutants without using a lot of chemicals.  Using aquaponic tanks with tilapia – and growing basil and lettuce plants – the study monitored ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and pH levels, as well as fish and vegetable growth.  The study found conclusive evidence that beginning-stage aquaponic systems can provide sufficient vegetation growth under the following conditions:  There must be low-medium fish density in the aquaponic tank, the fish must be adequately fed, and that water quality must be closely monitored.

Price, Charlie. "TEDxWarwick - Charlie Price - Aquaponics - Getting More out of Less." Lecture. TEDxWarwick. YouTube. 17 Mar. 2011. Web. <>.
Charlie Price spoke about aquaponics' role in urban community-based food production during a 2011 TEDTalk. His company, Aquaponics UK, helps urban communities build and sustain aquaponic systems. The Farm Shop that Aquaponics UK developed in London includes large tanks of fish, propagation rooms for plant growth, a chicken coop on the roof, and jars of ginger beer produced from bacteria. According to Price, aquaponics systems can grow between 30 and 50 kilos of vegetables for every kilo of fish in the system. He also made suggestions for several alternative methods that could potentially improve the efficiency of an aquaponics system. For example, worms can help to produce fertilizer and they become a source of food for the fish. Another method that may enhance the production value of the aquaponics system is to introduce other aquatic creatures into the tanks such as the Giant Freshwater Prawn. These prawns clean the tanks as they feed on the large amounts of algae growing on the inside of the glass.

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